

Commercial Ship Design & Construction

Commercial ship design and construction is a long, complicated process. Fleet owners and fisherman alike want a stable, unsinkable vessel.…

Commercial Fishing Vessel Builder in Ontario

Years ago, fisheries drew the first Europeans here for work, to what is now Canadian waters and continue to sustain…

A Legacy of Building Coast Guard Lifeboats

Different things may come to mind when we say the word "Legacy". You may think of a certain famous individual…

Trusted Steel Boat Manufacturer in Ontario

Ontario has a long history of boat building, dating back thousands of years since water travel became a primary mode…

Custom Built RCMP Patrol Boats & Search Vessels

Patrol vessels and boats provide the means for the RCMP to uphold and enforce the law on Canadian Waters. Patrol…

A Complete Guide to Choosing a Custom Boat Builder in Ontario

Choosing a custom boat builder in Ontario can be a longer research project then expected Perhaps you are looking for…

Custom Patrol Boat Manufacturers

When it comes to custom patrol boats, one of the most trusted ship builders is Hike Metal. This name is…

Our Process for Custom Ship Building in Ontario

You need a ship for your unique industry but no matter where you look, you can't find a vessel that…

A Guide to Custom Ship Builders in Ontario

It would be difficult to find an industry today that isn't affected in some way by shipping and logistics. Everything…

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